The internet is a place where lots of knowledge can be stored and gained in a short period. You can find a lot of data regarding anything on cyberworld, including health-related topics, among them, being oral care. It’s deemed as one of the leading health-related searches on the internet—and for one reason: people need oral care help.
Unfortunately, so many people are plagued with various oral issues—including those whose teeth have already fallen. For these people, losing their teeth can be a big confidence drop. Thankfully, they’re given a solid solution, and that is to get dentures.
There are three common types of dentures, and these are plastic, porcelain, and metal dentures. Among the three, plastic dentures are the most common. Here’s a quick guide.
As the name suggests, plastic dentures are made from acrylic resin. Advanced polymers can also be used, which is a derivative of acrylic. The thing about plastic dentures is that there are many different variations of them. If a high-quality acrylic is used, however, a person can benefit from a more natural appearance. Not only that, but they’re also more durable and comfortable to wear.
Acrylic is the top material chosen in making plastic dentures because it’s much more rigid than common plastic. Computer technology is used to determine how a plastic denture will be made, where tools are further used to scan your mouth. Doing so ensures that your dentures fit around your gums properly.
Both types of dentures look alike, but there are still a few differences. One similarity is that they both use pink acrylic for the gums, while the real difference lies in the actual teeth. Porcelain dentures offered a much more lifelike appearance as opposed to plastic dentures.
Due to advancements in medical technology, however, you can’t see any more differences between plastic dentures and porcelain dentures. Both offer lifelike appearances to the wearer. It can also be argued that plastic dentures have surpassed porcelain dentures due to quality, as porcelain breaks and chips away over time.
If you’re looking to get partial or full dentures, the best ones for you to pick are plastic dentures. If you’re looking to get partial dentures only, consider getting metal dentures. Partial metal dentures have advantages over full plastic dentures, such as improved stability.
Metal clasps fabricated in the denture’s frame clip to the remaining natural teeth, which prevents movement. Another great feature of metal dentures is reinforced supports, and this ensures that they won’t sink to your gums as you bite down. Metal dentures are also thinner and less bulky, making them less heavy to use. The only drawback to a metal denture is that the metal can show when smiling or talking. Due to this, more patients would rather go for plastic dentures.
Plastic dentures are designed to help people who don’t have teeth. Although the other types of dentures might offer better quality, plastic dentures can still offer the same. It’s also the cheapest type of denture there is, making it a budget-friendly choice for anyone who needs them.
Looking for
affordable partial dentures in the United States? You’re in luck! Vitality Tech LLC is a dental lab dedicated to giving patients the best oral care, especially when it comes to dentures.
Contact us today and allow us to help you!